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Infernal Perfect World Logo


Game Clients: English | Русский

Experience x2 | Spirit x2 | Coins x2

Background Image

Server Features

Enhanced Gameplay Image

Unique 1.4.6 Gameplay

InfernalPW aims to maintain the classic 1.4.6 feel but with a few twists such as including new classes and re-awakenings, while removing all other aspects of the game associated with newer versions, overpowered gears and pay to win systems have also been removed.

New Fashion Image

Play With Style

Experience thousands of new clothing and weapon fashions, mounts, and flyers that were not available in the original 1.4.6 version of the game. Mount/Flyer speeds have been balanced and level requirements removed, so you can look stylish while still being competitive.

Cash Shop
Cash Shop Image

Grind To Win

You won't find packs or dragon orbs in this cash shop. Our goal is to provide a balanced, fair, and long-term server for all the International Communities to play together on.

Modern Client Icon

Modern Client

Maximum Performance Icon

Maximum Performance

Built To Last Icon

Built To Last

International Support Icon

International Support


Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the server located?

Germany, this region was chosen for its central location, offering as many players as possible a good connection. Should the server prove popular enough further links in other countries will be added in future.

Server Time Zone?

UTC Time (GMT +0)

Can I download the client?

Yes, click the Download button at the top of the page and select one of the links to download the client from! Its total size is around 13GB.

Is this server pay to win?

No, Infernal PW is committed to making the game grind to win focused. The cash shop features a mix of cosmetic and quality of life items. Pay to Win items such as dragon orbs and packs cannot be bought, and many systems like War Avatar Cards, Meridian and Star charts have been removed.

Is this a PvP Server?

Yes, everyone will be white named after Level 30. However, the slower x1 rates ensure the server will be overall a blended mix of PvE and PvP gameplay.

When does the server open?

InfernalPW 146+ plans to re-launch on Friday 31st January 2025 @ 18:00 (UTC +0)

Will there be bonus programs?

Yes, guilds who sign up with us will receive rewards in the form of a starter pack for each member, which will includes charms, xp scrolls and other items to get your guild members started in Perfect World! Further bonuses and competitions will be announced on discord, telegram and our forums!

Who Are The Infernal PW Staff?

We are a team of four consisting of Vex, Hircine, GZA. Amongst us, we have a mix of experienced web developers, game developers, and long-time veteran players of PWI.